experience learning
- 2 ice-breakers 10 min
- 3 grammar exercise using no formal methodologies 30 min
- 2 energizers 10 min
- 1 theatre game/role play 50 min
experience learning with theatre
by Cristina
EXERCISE vowels and consonants
The communication between individuals has always been under investigation since ancient times . In the second half of the twentieth century , his study has received considerable interest from many researchers. However, the scientific understanding of human communication can be said to be only the beginning (despite the huge amount of theoretical and empirical research ): There is , in fact, still a scientific theory satisfactory in terms of epistemological able to explain and to understand what is communication. Despite this, today everyone is talking about communication , everyone feels somewhat competent and authorized to dissertarne . "[...] The expansion of this interest it can be argued that constitutes the outcome of the revolution of the scientific paradigm occurred in the twentieth century , in which the concept of" information " [...] has revolutionized the scientific horizon and introduces a research perspective radically that different , in terms of technology , leading to the computer and new media , and that, on a scientific level , allowing the emergence of new disciplines such as computer science , cybernetics and psychology of communication " ( Psychology of Communication , L. Anolli ) the communication is now an object of interdisciplinary study : there is no scientific group that does not deal with communication taking their point of view . Obviously a scientific landscape so extensive and varied implies a fragmentation of disciplinary knowledge : each of them provides in-depth sectoral and specific. It should be added that we started in the past, with the study of verbal language and it has come now to the study of communication which is much more complex than the simple survey on language. Communication is an activity that refers to a variety of different systems of meaning and message , understands the language but also goes beyond this, as it always plugged into a network of relationships that articulates the communicative interaction in a process endless . Among this multitude of signaling systems is interesting to pay attention to those of non-verbal communication (NVC ), which are quite distinct from those of verbal communication. It's pretty obvious to say that the CNV participate actively and independently, together with the linguistic system , to create and produce the meaning of any communicative act . It is interesting , however, to investigate which are the terms in which the CNV makes its contribution in the generation and processing of meaning. The NVC provides a spatial representation of reality and motor and not a propositional representation that is exclusively verbal language , which means that the CNV appears scarcely equal to define and transmit knowledge : just think of ideas and abstract concepts , but also to events or objects concrete . This condition is due to the fact that the CNV has a limited degree of conventionalization ( with the exception of sign language and emblems ) . But then why do we appeal to the CNV in a continuous and systematic in communicative exchanges ? Can only be considered "useless relics of ancestral customs " ? (The expression of the emotion in man and in animals , C. Darwin) The words are always accompanied by a more or less accentuated gestures , postures details, from trimming a symbolic space of the conversation, by use of modulated voice that seems to emphasize verbal meanings expressed . The human species , like other species , it makes use of the CNV for relational reasons : non-verbal signals are used to generate and develop an ' interaction with others. Eye contact , a smile , a certain tone of voice, a sequence of gestures can help start and the exchange of knowledge between strangers, even if it occurs randomly. The CNV is also essential to maintain and renew relationships over time . A relationship can not live in a vacuum, but must be constantly supported with signals that confirm and reinforce the kind of relationship in place between two or more people , whether it is a relationship of dominance , love and cooperation .
" And after he had put his hand to my
with mild face, whence I was comforted ,
He led me to the secret things . "
( Inferno, canto III- Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri )
Even the psychological change of relations is through the non-verbal signals that feed , govern the relationship itself. The CNV is used to express emotions. The voice , facial expressions , gaze , gestures , posture, physical distance , etc. . Converge together to express a given emotional experience together with the linguistic aspects of a particular function in the context of interaction. Even the extinction of a relationship is regulated by the CNV , with a gradual decrease to a sudden interruption of contacts, an outlet on the physical distance to a decrease in affective gestures and so on. In particular, clinical psychology and psychotherapy make systematic use of certain non-verbal signals . " We showed up , we sat [...] and here we are : the patient how to begin ? [... ] At this delicate stage , we must be able to use the full capacity of our discretion, tolerance and empathy as it is intangible things , these our attitudes, perhaps communicated with facial expressions , with gestures, with Away with the tone of the voice, are chiefly important . They create in the patient the feeling of being able to let go and talk to [...] and thus allow to show up, that is, to present his psychic reality. " ( Interview techniques , AA Semi ) The effectiveness of the relational CNV depends on the close connection between interaction and report. The interaction is a tangible reality and consists of an event limited in terms of time space , in an exchange directly observable behavior between participants. The regular sequence and continues the same type of interaction generates predictability in time , and as a result produces the formation of an interactive model between the same participants named direlazione . The systems do not qualify for the default verbal interactions and individual influence in a profound way in the relational models to be among the participants. On the other hand the non-verbal systems are in part learned from their own culture and are , in turn , modified in the course of time . It is possible to change the methods of communication and non-verbal conduct a proper "education" of the non-verbal . It concerns the setting of voice and gesture , adjusting the facial expressions, gaze and posture . This type of route is normally done in the schools of acting in the theater for actors and theater workshops for social purposes , in order to increase the perception and awareness of self and others , the perception of space , time, and pace of internal and external and improve the skills of bodily expression . As part of the theatrical aspect of the gestural and kinesic that represent the "vehicle prince" ( before the "word" ) , in its being an inexhaustible source of knowledge, understanding and modification of cognitive and emotional self. "[...] Agreed the action to the word , the word to the action " (Hamlet , W. Shakespeare) . " This gesture shows the way of the word ," says an old saying Dogon . Much of the communication is conveyed through non-verbal codes . Consider, for example, silent films Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton developed an unsurpassed expressiveness that with the advent of sound went inevitably lost. The non-verbal language is usually much more effective than verbal language to express complex emotions or moods or unresolved conflict , sometimes the body language reveals , to those who know how to read , what the speaker tries to conceal between his words , or what words can not explain . The theater [...] a compass with which to deal with the mess of life "( E.Corrà ) E ' through the expression and sharing ( share experience and express feelings , experiences, thoughts, and redesigned them ) that the experience stage makes it possible to communicate and exchange impressions , moods , through alternative channels to the verbal language . "Theatre presents an opportunity for what might be called integration , the rejection of the masks , the true essence of palesamento : a totality of physical and mental reactions . This option must be used in a disciplined manner , with full awareness of the responsibility it entails. It is in this that we can see the theater 's therapeutic function " ( Towards a Poor Theatre , J. Grotwski ) The body is an effective means of communication and expression that allows you to transmit their feelings to the outside world . As the doctor analyst Alexander Lowen in the posture and attitude that assumes in his every gesture , the body speaks a language that anticipates and transcends the verbal expression . The involvement of emotions and cognitive processes through the " body language play" find expression and shape the experience . A particular use of language within which the organization of the sensory experience of profound internal content you upload to the person, and the senses I am seen as " gates" through which to know the world . The emotions are reflected in the different ways of being and many unexpressed emotions verbally can be deciphered through the " metamorphosis of the body ." A change in the way they move through the exercises in a specific theater training is accompanied by a psychological transformation , because , being the body that contains a symbolic place and manifests the individual and collective history , through movement , the subject may come to understanding and transformation of the self. " The theater is a match. The score of the actor is composed of components of human contact , " give and take " . Take the other , to make a comparison with themselves, with their own experience and their own thoughts , and give an answer. In these convergences rather intimate human , is always established this element of " give and take " . The process is repeated but always hic et nunc [...] " ( Towards a Poor Theatre , J. Grotwski ) . Recovering " gesture" , the expression of the whole body , it means recognizing and appreciating the means " natural " social communication available to every single person , before resorting to means "technicians" of mass communication . The gesture is an extension of the word accompanies and completes through bodily expression . In particular, the gesture of the theater is the means to achieve emotional otherness to which man " sucks " , having cleared the field by the invasion of the concrete world in which it is immersed continuously . This is a physics research , the work of the body that listens to you listens patiently acts and re- acts to be moved up in the production of the gesture loses mechanicalness and buy naturalness. Turner speaks of loss of self : "The self , which is normally the intermediary between the actions of an individual and those of another , it becomes completely irrelevant [...] action follows another according to an internal logic that seems proceed without the need for responsible action on our part " ( from Ritual to Theatre , V. Turner) Through the movement seeks to overcome the traditional mind-body dichotomy favoring an alternative communication channel to the verbal , in a group context of action research in which the subject acts on the group and interacting with this suffers in turn influences . It is an educational process , which means educating ( educere ) " take out" , in which the awareness and greater self-knowledge emerges through the practice of expression , observation and comparison.
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