Can you share any good practice (online) about this issue?
17.02.2014 23:42Yes. WITH FILM LITERACY.
Since 2007, with the statement "An european approach to media literacy in the digital environment", the European Union has placed an emphasis on Media Literacy as a necessary process of education of the public (audience building) and practice essential to develop an approach critical of the various media forms of communication and expression. In August 2009, with the title "On media literacy in the digital environment for them to more competitive audiovisual and content industry and an inclusive knowledge society", was also reported the need to open a debate on the inclusion of media literacy in school curricula .
The Film Literacy is configured as an essential branch of the Media Literacy, and proposed education cinematographic image in an increasingly global and intermedia, and stimulating awareness of the younger generation against the European cinematographic and audiovisual heritage.
It is an exeperience learning.
1 ice-breakers with 2 mini-videos on youtube (10 min)
- 1 exercise using no formal methodologies (30 min)
- 1 energizers with brainstorming about cinema (10 min)
- 1 vision of the film (1 hour)